Solving symptoms instead of causes?

How we describe and approach the issues we need to solve can affect how we react to them.  We know we’re supposed to be solving for root causes. But are we, instead, really just addressing symptoms? Are we celebrating the quick fix and then moving on without addressing the root of our issue? “If you…

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About Visual Quality Standards

Are test engineers or operators marking verification tests as ‘failed’ but your engineering judgement thinks it’s acceptable? This can happen with qualitative-type tests, like visual inspections. “A picture is worth a thousand words” is an old saying, and it holds true! Visual standards, visual aids, and quality standards are a great tool, especially in design…

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Using the Pareto Principle and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

The likeness of the Pareto Principle can be compared to Murphy’s Law and the Peter Principle: it’s a curious phenomenon. So, how did it make its way into quality? If using it to make decisions, there are some common pitfalls which can lead to delays in fixing a problem or even misdirect our efforts. So,…

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