Getting to Great Designs

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What makes a great design?

It depends.

We talk about the spectrum of designs (from great to spam), the various customers engineers need to design for, and how engineers can work with their team toward defining what a great design should be.


Affordability, simplicity and value are measured by our customers, and design engineers have many customers.

It takes a team to make a product happen and engineers can make concept development and design inputs a team activity.

Using quality methods may help with communication, gathering information and being able to make decisions about the concept and design in early phases of development.

You're invited to download a checklist: 12 things you should have before a design concept makes it to the engineering drawing board. Download Here

Learn how to mistake-proof your design

Adapt a well-known quality technique from manufacturing: poka-yoke.

Get the 6-step guide with examples by subscribing below.

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