A Severity Scale based on Quality Dimensions

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We can develop a severity rating scale based on us: our company, our customer, our product... And we can relate the categories that we use to the quality dimensions that matter to us.

We talk about the 7 principal quality dimensions of goods and services, the 5 principal dimensions of quality in customer service, and how we might customize our severity scale based on these dimensions.

CHECK ON IT: We need to be careful to comply with our own company's policies and industry's regulations. We may not be able to customize our severity scale because of these reasons.

The 7 principal Quality Dimensions of goods and services (Garvin):

  1. Aesthetics
  2. Features
  3. Performance (i.e. functionality of primary operating characteristics)
  4. Serviceability (able to be repaired)
  5. Durability
  6. Reliability
  7. Conformance

The 5 principal Quality Dimensions that contribute to customer perceptions of quality of a company’s services (Evans):

  1. Tangibles
  2. Empathy
  3. Responsiveness
  4. Reliability
  5. Assurance

We can create a severity scale that matter to us based on these Quality Dimensions, like the example, below.

When we're defining our severity scale with our team, we need to make sure that we use it with intention during product development, including the concept phase. And that we understand how the scale was applied so that when we're making decisions about our product's design and our project, we're making informed decisions.

Severity Scale Example

Citations of works for quality dimensions:

Evans, James R. and William M. Lindsay. Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence, 11th ed. Cengage Learning, Inc., 2020, p.103-104.

Garvin, David A. "What Does Product Quality Really Mean?" Sloan Management Review, vol. 26, no. 1, 1984, p. 25-43.