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Quality During Design Podcast Blog

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Try this Method to Help with Complex Decisions (DMRCS)

Pareto Front Example

A team approach to complex decisions, with many options and criteria, is suggested by Dr. Anderson-Cook and Dr. Lu: DMRCS.

Overlapping Ideas: Quality, Reliability, and Safety

Quality related to Reliability and Safety

What is the intercept of quality and safety? How concerned do we need to be about quality while we’re determining root causes?

Using SIPOC to Get Started

SIPOC Example

SIPOC diagrams are a great first step for our team in understanding the key people and elements to our process.

Risk Barriers as Swiss Cheese?

fruit-ill with leaf

There’s a model that can help us visualize and consider the different barriers to harm: The Swiss Cheese Model of Accident Causation. Learn what makes up this model and how ideas are represented. There are also different ways that the model is being used today. How can we design for controls, policies, or actions that are part of the use of our product but outside of our control?

Environmental Stress Testing for Robust Designs

fruit-ill with leaf

To help plan future tests and projects, we review qualitative accelerated test models that can be used early in a design process.

Choosing a Confidence Level for Test using FMEA

We should choose a confidence level for our requirements or their test plans. We can associate that confidence level with the level of risk associated with our product. FMEA is a great tool for us to refer to, to help us choose a relevant confidence level by basing our decision on one or more metrics that the FMEA can provide.