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Quality During Design Podcast Blog

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Use Meetings to Add Productivity

We need our time to be productive, individually. We can use meetings to add productivity to our day, if done right.

Ways to Partner with Test Engineers

shaking hands icon

We talk about ways to partner with test engineers and test technicians and the importance of still maintaining their independence.

What do we do with FMEA early in design concept?

It’s best to do FMEA early in the design concept phases of development. If we do FMEA early, then what can with do with it?

A Severity Scale based on Quality Dimensions

Headphones illustrations by Storyset

We can develop a severity rating scale that is based quality dimensions that matter to us: our company, our customer, our product…

Use Force Field Analysis to Understand Nuances

We can use a force field analysis to understand nuances or to get a handle on a change that involves many different people or departments.

Getting Use Information without a Prototype

Headphones illustrations by Storyset

There is lots of use information that we can develop at the concept phase, without an engineering prototype.