What are the gifts others bring to new product development? We consider a mindset to bring design inputs into our designs from other people.
We use test to learn more about the product in order to make design decisions. What do we do when we get surprising test results?
We have a reliability target for our system. But we’re not meeting it. To avoid this scenario, what is something we can do in early development? When we’re figuring out our concept, we can better learn about our options. We can work with Reliability Engineers to understand what we know, the risk in what we…
We talk about ways to use a very simple System Architecture Diagram early in development to help us choose where to direct our attention first when starting with a new concept.
We want to yield quality in the front-end of product development, to help us do the engineering work that’s important for great designs.
Where do we sometimes need to look for inspiration? Books!
In this QDD Book Cast, we talk about 11 books in 5 different topics that are useful for different perspectives on engineering and design topics.