Course 3: Design for the Users

Lesson 4: Relate Tasks to Design Choices

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As we develop concepts, we're going to come up with ideas that are going to involve a human interface. And we want to evaluate that interface so we can ensure that we can reduce use errors.

We look at a definition of use error as it relates to product use and product design. This lesson also covers the following:

  • Name the 3 basic interactions users have with our product.
  • Analyze tasks and use errors for design inputs.
  • Relate task analyses with other product development activities.

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Practice it (15 min):

Choose a process step from Lesson 3 that was a priority.

Using the notes from this lesson as a prompt, start to break-down that process step into tasks, according to the design concept you are developing.

Do this with your team or as a solo activity, for now.

Success looks like a task analysis with perception, cognition, and action requirements, potential use errors for those tasks, and design inputs: either questions for investigation or ideas of how to address those types of failures by changing the design.

Lesson 4

Relate Tasks to Design Choices


Bonus Training

Bonus video: Task Analysis Example

(6:18 min)

We have a scenario and perform a task analysis, including coming up with questions and next steps.

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