Course 1: Design for Problems and Risk

Introduction: Quality during Design Mindset


Welcome to Course 1 of the QDD Journey! This course is Design for Problems and Risks. To get started, we turn some design engineering ideas on their head to set us up for success!


Another way to have success with this course is to turn two learning ideas around.

If we're thinking, "I already know this!" - let's stop and reframe that to "What can I learn from this?" This course is going to have some quality and reliability-traditional ways of looking at product design to help give you a more fully-rounded perspective of design engineering.

If we catch ourselves thinking, "How am I supposed to be able to do that?" - let's stop and reframe that to "What about this can help me with design?" This course was designed to be actionable, and you'll have some new tools and techniques to try with your design efforts and your cross-functional team.

With all of these reframes packed up, we're ready to start our Quality during Design Journey. I'll see you in the first lesson!



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Course 1: Design for Problems and Risk

Introduction: Quality during Design Mindset

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