
This lesson is Step 2of the Quality during Design Journey Fast Track.

Step 2: Symptoms Break-Down to Assess Risk

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In early concept development, we do not have specific problems or causes to examine. We DO have potential symptoms.

There are lots of things that we can start to bring to light by looking at the symptoms a little closer.

Breaking-them down into their parts starts to help us and our team really get into some interesting things that can help form our design inputs for great designs.

And then, we can continue to iterate what we've learned through the development process (we get into that next week).

In this lesson, we:

  • Describe symptoms as an outcome plus its impact. 
  • Identify different drivers for symptoms that lead to different actions: to prevent risks or reduce losses.  
  • Assess symptom risks to gather information and prioritize design actions.

Downloads / Worksheets

Symptom Break-Down Worksheet (model, steps, table, and rating scales)

Practice it (20 mins):

You drafted a symptom-problem-cause model from Lesson 1. Now, take it a step back and look at the symptom a little closer.

Use the worksheet to explore your symptom by breaking it out into its parts and mapping it. The worksheet has the steps outlined for you.

  • Your agenda is to explore the symptom outcome.
  • Decide if you'll use the rating scales listed in the worksheet or if you'll use rating scales that your company has already defined (like in a risk analysis work instruction). (5 mins)
  • Get your team's input on the impact, the drivers, the severity, and the probabilities. You can follow the worksheet, use post-its, or a whiteboard. (10 mins)

Success looks like a fully defined symptom with team consensus on the drivers, the severity of impact, and likelihood ratings.

The ultimate success is new information about the design - information that you can develop into design inputs.

Symptoms Break-Down to Assess Risk


Common Questions

Bonus Training

Quality during Design Podcast Episodes

These podcast episodes expand upon some aspects of what we talked about in this lesson.