
This lesson is Step 1 of the Quality during Design Journey Fast Track.

Step 1: Explore Benefits as Drivers to Design

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In early concept development, we don't have a list of features to engineer or look at. We do have an understanding of what we're trying to accomplish with this product.

We can use the Concept Space to better understand the benefits of our product. We have intended outputs of our product, but what does that mean to our users? What outcome are they expecting? And, what kind of an impact would that make to them?

We break out benefits into features and their impacts. This exercise helps divide out our thinking processes and stay focused on what it is we want to learn. Breaking-them down into their parts starts to help us and our team really get into some interesting things that can help form our design inputs for great designs.

And then, we can continue to iterate what we've learned through the development process (we get into that next week).

In this lesson, we:

  • Explain needs, benefits, features, and design inputs.
  • Develop features into potential design inputs with a team using a Benefits Model.
  • Prioritize possible design features against customer satisfaction.
  • Assess features against a level of design implementation using a Kano model.



Downloads / Worksheets

Benefit Model and Kano Worksheet

Practice it (20 min):

Think of 3 intended outputs on a product design project you're working on now.

Using the worksheet, practice translating the intended output into a benefit: the feature plus its impact. Then, think about which of the 5 factors of the Kano model with which it aligns. Finally, discuss an expected level of implementation. The worksheet has the steps outlined for you.

  • Your agenda is to explore the benefits and relate them to a customer satisfaction rating.
  • Get your team's input on the impact, the drivers, and the satisfaction rating. You can follow the worksheet, use post-its, or a whiteboard.
  • Discuss expectations of the level of implementation that the product should have in meeting this benefit by using the Kano model.

Success looks like fully defined benefits with team consensus on the drivers and a satisfaction rating.

The ultimate success is new information about the design - information that you can develop into design inputs. Continue this exercise with your team to prioritize the other benefits of your product.

Explore Benefits as Drivers to Design


Bonus Training

Bonus Video: Benefit and Kano Models Example

(8:25 min)

We create a scenario of the topics in this lesson with our team and explore the benefits for design inputs.