The Quality during Design Journey - Fast Track

Fast Track

Welcome to the Quality during Design Journey - Fast Track, Dianna!

Start taking these 4 steps with lessons to get a fast start to working with your cross-functional team for design inputs. These are lessons I picked specifically to fast track your success in getting design inputs from the concept space.

This ABOUT page shows you what we'll be covering. It also shows you how to navigate course material and where to access information related to the course.

Lesson: "Engineering Products from a Concept Space"

View this lesson as an introduction to using the concept space to develop design inputs with just a conceptual design.

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Your progress in each lesson is shown in a percentage bar chart.

QDD Journey's Fast Track Discussion Group

The Fast Track Discussion Group is the place to ask questions and get answers about all topics related to the lessons.

Manage your profile, contact the instructors, and start a conversation with other students. This is a benefit of being on the Quality during Design Journey!

How this Course is Organized

How this Course is Organized

Fast Track Steps Start with these 4 lessons to get a fast start to working with your cross-functional team for design inputs. These 4 steps are lessons I picked specifically to fast track your success in getting design inputs from the concept space.

Step-by-step Within the Fast Track and the courses, the lessons are designed to be consumed step-by-step, following the step and lesson number.

Media All lessons have a video file with corresponding transcript and audio file that presents the same material. This gives you a choice of how you want to learn. Most lessons have bonuses: downloadable worksheets, reminder notes, extra videos, and links to more materials. These bonuses are at the bottom of the lesson page. Extra bonuses may be linked in the emails corresponding to this course.

Release Time All courses and lessons are available upon access.

Available/Completed/Unavailable Lessons If the icon is in color, you have access to that lesson today. If the icon is in color with a checkmark, you've completed all of the objectives in that lesson. If the icon is gray, then you do not yet have access to that lesson.

QDDJ Badges Available No Access Completed

Comments: For questions or support about the materials, use the Quality during Design Discussion Group. For questions about your account, contact Customer Account Support.

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