Course 2: Design with Quality & Reliability

Conclusion: Design with Quality & Reliability


You've completed Course 2 of the Quality during Design Journey titled "Design with Quality and Reliability".

We set out to learn about ways to think about and develop design concepts with your team based on problems and risk.

Let's take a look at where we've gone through our Course 2 Journey.

What You Learned

You learned more about 3 diagrams that engineers can use to get alignment with cross-functional teams:

  • schematic diagram (with fundamental interactions)
  • geometric layout
  • incidental interactions diagram

These diagrams are created by engineers then reviewed with the cross-functional team:

  • get alignment about ideas
  • ask specific questions of them to get design inputs
  • design for all the customers (internal and external)

All this is to get easier buy-in with the team on engineered solutions and products and to help us toward design for excellence (DfX).

Course Map

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Conclusion for Course 2: Design with Quality and Reliability


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