Course 2: Design with Quality & Reliability

About Course 2: Design with Quality & Reliability

Welcome to Course 2 of the QDD Journey, Dianna!

Course 2 is titled "Design with Quality and Reliability".

You'll be learning about ways to design-in quality and reliability, and ways to work with quality and reliability practitioners.

Let's set up for success! This ABOUT page shows you what we'll be covering. It also shows you how to navigate course material and where to access information related to the course.

What You'll Learn

What you'll learn

Learning objectives

The learning objectives are integrated throughout this course using the materials within this online portal and the practice problems.

Download and view the course syllabus and the tables that relate learning objectives and course activities. You'll gain an understanding of the Course 1 Journey and how to get the most out of this course.

Course syllabus

Relationship between learning objectives and course activities

Additionally, all of the upcoming lessons and their recommended week to consume are listed and linked at the bottom of this page for your information and as another navigation option.

Learner Prerequisites

This course is created for learners involved in product design development. An engineering degree or background is useful but is not a prerequisite to this course.


We'll be covering this topic: use frameworks for (you and your) teams to explore, prioritize, and iterate on the product design at an early concept phase. 

The specific learning objective of this course is to analyze concept designs for DfX (design for excellence).

Accessing & Navigating this Course
Where to Find Lessons & Materials
QDD Conduct Policy

Course 2: Design for Problems & Risk


Lessons will automatically be marked complete when you've completed all of the objectives in that lesson.