Course 1: Design for Problems and Risk

Lesson 4: FMEA in Product Development

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FMEA is a standardly used and powerful analysis tool to help people make decisions and prioritize actions.

We talk about the purpose of FMEA and how it fits into the design development process. We also:

  • explain FMEA purpose in proactive design activities
  • construct an FMEA table, based on our symptom-problem-cause format

This lesson is a key to understanding how to strategically use FMEA throughout design development, including early concept phases.


Downloads / Worksheets

Worksheet (pdf)

Worksheet (xls)

Practice it (15 min):

Gather these things:

  • symptom-problem-cause worksheet you worked on in Lesson 1
  • symptom break-out worksheet you did in Lesson 2
  • swiss-cheese model/list of controls you did in Lesson 3

Input all of these into an FMEA table. (10 mins)

Success looks like a completed FMEA line item with a failure mode, its effect, severity rating, several causes, several occurrence ratings, and associated controls filled-in. The FMEA table takes all of this information and condenses it into a table. Many potential problems can be compared using the same criteria so we can define actions for design.

Lesson 4

FMEA in Product Development


Bonus Training

Quality during Design Podcast Episodes

These podcast episodes expand upon some aspects of what we talked about in this lesson.

Frequent Questions